Mental health is a universal human right.

World Mental Health Day

The theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day is ‘mental health is a universal human right’. This is a really exciting ambition for us at Abrial as we have always been passionate about people’s entitlement to be well and happy.

Too often, people regard mental health issues as things to be endured or problems that will resolve themselves with time. This attitude is sometimes strongest amongst those people who are themselves struggling with their mental health. 

People don't ask for help

They don’t want to ask for help for fear of bothering people or appearing unable to cope. So they go on being periodically or permanently unhappy. This attitude has to change and talking and sharing about mental health is a crucial and powerful way of bringing this change about.


At Abrial, we are very involved in supporting teenagers and parents with the symptoms of anxiety through coaching and mentoring. For many people, anxiety is a debilitating condition which impacts upon their mental health day to day and prevents them from finding contentment in life.

Don’t miss out

It is our fundamental belief that teenagers and their parents deserve to be happy now. The teenage years are such a special part of life, too precious to be simply endured by children and their parents in the hope of better times coming along in the distant future.

You deserve support

Too often, the symptoms of anxiety detract from family happiness. Feelings of panic, nervousness and fear can be felt by young people or their parents. These feelings affect family relationships and can also impact upon teenagers’ progress at school. Families don’t have to put up with this. There are people who can help.

Coaching works

Coaching allows people to talk about anxiety in a supportive and confidential environment. It is rooted in exploring the present and finding pathways for the future. Coaching gives people ownership of their lives and decisions, it raises self esteem and builds confidence.

Abrial helps clients to improve their lives through coaching. We are highly experienced in working with the symptoms of anxiety and helping clients find sustainable and effective strategies to be happier. We are also relentless in our desire to encourage people to ask for help and to come and speak with us. Families should never go through anxiety alone. There is compassionate and effective support waiting for them.