We work with schools in two main ways

Coaching staff

  • helps people to become their best professional selves
  • generates improvement for all staff, regardless of how well they are currently doing
  • can focus on performance, wellbeing or both
  • enables the person being coached to own their decisions and actions.
  • is the most effective intervention for the development of practice, in the current education climate

‘I am ambitious, and, I think, very successful in role.  I could not keep on top of my game without coaching from Miranda,’ Deputy Headteacher. 

Coaching a teacher

Supporting the school, parent and pupil relationship.

A key element of our work at Abrial is partnering with schools.  We find a coaching approach to be a highly effective intervention in a range of school settings.  Our school work focuses on:

  • helping pupils to develop attitudes and behaviours which improve their wellbeing and performance
  • supporting parents to build relationships and ways of working with their children which can have a big positive impact upon school life
  • facilitating professional development for school staff which helps them to work more effectively with parents and to better manage their own wellbeing.

‘We have very good relationships with parents. But, post Covid, everything has changed, and we need someone external to revise our ways of working with parents,’ Mike McKenzie, Headteacher, Alexandra Park School. 

If you are a school interested in working with us, please contact us directly at info@abrial.org