Why is coaching so important for parents?

You may not think you need it but you do.

Parent stress is common and reportedly on the increase. The Parenting Science website describes parental stress as ‘the distress you feel when you can’t cope as a parent. The
demands are too high and/or you don’t have the resources to meet them.”
Parenting Science continues ‘Parenting stress damages your well-being and may alter the
course of your child’s development.’
Coaching can help parents to understand the causes and effects of stress and, vitally, give you
strategies which increase those all important parenting resources.
Look after yourself to look after your family.

Parent coaching

Parental coaching can make a significant and sustained difference to:

  • the wellbeing of parents
  • the quality of family relationships
  • children’s learning and general wellbeing
  • how well parents work with their child’s school


At Abrial we specialise in working with parents to help you to manage family life. We help you
to find parenting strategies that work and to feel better about yourself as a parent. We do this
through a coaching approach which enables parents to analyse, reflect and make their own
decisions. Our experienced coaches will listen, ask questions, advise and help parents to
sustain the changes you want to make.