We support you as a neurodivergent parent or teenager to be your best self. We can support you with coaching and/ or advice.        

Our support

We offer bespoke coaching and advice to neurodivergent parents and teenagers. 

Neurodivergent people often think and learn differently from the others.  This gives them particular strengths as well as presenting them with challenges in life.
At Abrial, we specialise in working with teenagers and parents who have been diagnosed with neurodivergent conditions, particularly ADHD and ASD.
A neurodivergent young person may be having difficulties in establishing friendships or in their learning at school.  Parents of neurodivergent teenagers (whether they themselves are neurodivergent or not) can face difficulties in helping their child to cope with the complexities of school and relationships.
Coaching and advice from Abrial can help teenagers and their parents to manage the challenges of neurodiversity while celebrating the unique qualities of every young person and making family life happier and more fulfilled.

As a teenager …

… it might be for example,  that the typical school settings do not suit you. 

As a parent

… you might be struggling to find the right support for your teenager, or support in place quickly enough

… you might have a recent diagnosis of neurodiversity that makes you want to reflect on parenting