
We support you as a  teenager by listening to you.  You tell us what you want to sort out.  We help you sort things out. Coaching is confidential to you. 

Coaching is different to counselling.   Coaching is about making a better future for yourself. Counselling can be about coming to terms with your past.

Why would you want coaching?

We help you with

  • managing anxiety
  • improving  your mental well being
  • self-esteem 
  • motivation
  • any issues you might have with home, school, friends, family 

Coaching helps you

  • reduce stress and anxiety 
  • improve your relationships and friendships
  • feel  in control 

  •  make good  decisions

  • express yourself 

  • improve your confidence

  • manage your  emotions 

  •  plan and work well  
Coaching journey

Coaching for anxiety

Coaching young people with anxiety is a major element of contemporary coaching practice in the USA and increasingly in the UK. 
At Abrial, working with anxiety is a key element of our expertise.
Anxiety is increasing common in teenagers.  It can cause nervousness, panic and a sense of not being able to cope.  These symptoms can also lead to poor concentration and diminished self confidence.  Anxiety can also result in physical symptoms including an increased heart rate and breathlessness.
Coaching has been demonstrated to have a positive impact upon reducing anxiety and enabling young people to function more happily and effectively.  At Abrial we use coaching strategies which focus upon helping teenagers to feel in control, able to understand and better manage their anxiety