Working parents need help.

“71% of working parents said that worrying about their children reduces their productivity at work.”

BlueCross Blue Shield 2023

At Abrial, we offer a range of coaching and advisory support services to employees who are also parents and carers  for example, Working parent lunch & learns, Working parent support groups. 

Corporate stress
  • We focus our corporate  programmes on what working parents say are their greatest challenges, for example, coping with your child’s school related anxiety, managing your child’s social media usage. 
  • We tailor our foci, and the ways we work,  to the bespoke needs of each company’s employees. 

“That was the best thing that DLA Piper has ever offered us,” Steve, employee, DLA Piper Global Law Firm, about a Lunch & learn – Tips and recommendations to support parents in managing their relationships with school to bring about the best outcomes for their child/ children.”

Our services are focussed upon supporting  employees of corporations with issues impacting upon their children’s education and mental health.   These issues can often impact negatively upon family life with knock on effects for parents and carers in their workplace.  Employees who are preoccupied with issues affecting their children at school or at home can bring their concerns into the workplace resulting in stress and a decline in work performance. In some cases, problems at school can result in employees taking significant time off work, if for instance they are regularly called into the school or their child becomes a school refuser.

Through our support, corporate  employees become less pressured by concerns arising at home and as a consequence more relaxed and focussed in the workplace.  Our work has a direct and demonstrable impact upon employee productivity and wellbeing.  In summary, support from Abrial generates tangible benefits for both employees and the organisation they work for.

“Working parents’ absenteeism as a result of problems their children are having attending school, is significantly on the rise.” Mumsnet 2022 – Working Parents and Corporations. 


Email us at to see how we can work with you and support your employees