Why coaching?

Coaching can be a highly effective intervention for anyone working in a school.  We work with a wide cross section of staff, holding a range of roles and responsibilities.  

Coaching is about enabling people to be their best selves through listening, questioning and focussed conversation.  It helps people explore issues, make decisions and move forward in their professional and personal lives.  Where needed, we will offer clients professional guidance and advice.

Our educational backgrounds and experiences make us uniquely well qualified to work with school colleagues.

Often school staff are committed to serving their colleagues and pupils but neglect their own professional development and well being.  

Who can benefit?

A coach and a teacher

We are passionate about encouraging all of those who work in schools  to make time for themselves.  Investing time in coaching means better self awareness, motivation and performance – and thus better outcomes for the school.

Group Coaching

  • Amongst others, coaching can be particularly valuable in these scenarios:for heads who need a space to reflect, talk through issues and test new ideas
  • for high achieving colleagues in all roles who want to maintain their level of performance and explore next steps for their own personal development and the school’s growth
  • for anyone embarking on or undergoing a period of professional change (for example, colleagues new to the school or recently promoted within the school)
  • for colleagues who are finding aspects of their work challenging
  • for colleagues exhibiting stress, anxiety or unhappiness at work.

Often we are asked to work with teams within schools (most frequently leadership teams) to help them become more effective.  These can be teams which are already high achieving or teams in an earlier stage of development.

Coaching provides a safe and structured opportunity for open conversation, sharing of perspectives and goal setting.

How long does coaching last?

It varies!  Often we find that two or three individual coaching sessions are enough to meet a client’s needs.  However, some clients find it valuable to have an ongoing relationship, perhaps checking in with a session every month.  We will advise, but it is up to school leaders to decide on what works best for them.

Next steps

If you are interested in having a conversation about coaching for yourself or others in your school please get in touch with us, email info@abrial.org, phone 0203 633 1256